Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The public excutions in Afghanistan from view point of S.Korean.

Taliban executed Two individuals in the public place by all means.

It happens Just few days after America Military exited.

Korea is separated South and North.
so, I cannot help thinking that if America exited in Korea War.
If they did, our lives would be deep tragedy.
I as S.Korean always thanks to America army for their sacrifices.

After the victory, S.Korea has been a tremendous developed.
(Democracy, Economy, National defense capability)
and America has been obviously satisfied their helps.

In my opinion,
That achievement makes America army keep going to war.
(Vietnam war, Gulf war)
America possibly wants that their alliances are developed as Korea.
but it appears to have failed again this time.

Why come out that result?
What difference Korea war between Afghanistan war or Vietnam war?

The answer is an Active Cooperation.

There was active cooperation in Korea war.
The Operation Incheon Landing of historic operation.
Success probability was only 0.02%.
There were the student soldiers's sacrifices behind the success.
and sacrifices of America army added to the victory.

It seems that Afghanistan has not resisted against Taliban.
they just wanted the U.S military to do everything. 
This small difference have being led to the failure.

I'd liked to say to Afghanistan.
"Wake up, and get angry"


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